
You can find me throughout the greater Baltimore/DC area teaching workshops. 

Balance intrigues me, because it is fluid.  We don’t just achieve balance and then forget about it, it is something we continuously adjust towards, and sometimes find.  There is a reason, I think, we say we are ‘practicing’ Yoga.  It is practice for the rest of our lives – an active metaphor.  When we are balancing effort and effortlessness in a Yoga pose, we are practicing bringing the same qualities into our lives.  We may not have control over the challenges that come our way in life, but we do have a choice as to how we respond, and it becomes a fluid dance with finding balance.

In my Yoga classes, I like to find the sweet spot between science and magic.  Anatomy and alignment are crucial to a healthy yoga practice, but there’s art in movement too, and that’s what makes it fun.   Again, it’s all about balance; balancing a challenging rhythmic Vinyasa flow or basics sequence with a lot of heart and self compassion, so we never lose sight of what practicing is really about: having the courage and contentment to show up in our life story as our own authentic, awesome selves.

Along the way you'll also notice some pretty amazing side-effects: better body awareness, flexibility, increased lung capacity, strength, balance, concentration, stress-coping skills, sounder sleep, and healthy circulation benefiting all the body systems including the immune system.