Personalized Yoga Sessions

You do not have to be an advanced Yoga student in order to benefit, in fact you can benefit from a personalized yoga session even if you have never done Yoga, not even once in your whole life.  On the other hand, if you've been practicing Yoga for decades, you will equally enjoy the healing benefits of the session.

Each session includes a variety of modalities to gradually activate the relaxation response in the body, switch off the stress response, and thereby create the ideal environment for cellular repair and rejuvenation, or more simply stated, healing.  The activation of the fight or flight response (sympathetic nervous system) creates a series of reactions in the body that assist us in escaping life-threatening situations.  Our bodies were not intended to stay in a prolonged fight or flight response, but unfortunately the chronic stress so common in today's society leads to long term sympathetic nervous system stimulation.  The same reactions that can save our lives in truly threatening situations, begin to harm our bodies when prolonged through disrupting the metabolism, digestive and immune systems, and wreaking havoc on our hormones.  Conversely, stimulating the parasympathetic nervous system creates a serious of reactions that returns the body to normal functioning (where there is no perceived threat), relaxation, and restoration.  Stress is not inherently bad, but when stress is not balanced with relaxation the body is always in a deficit.  

Personalized yoga sessions aim to develop a familiarity with activating the parasympathetic nervous system, or relaxation response, to ultimately cultivate 'stress hardiness'.  'Stress hardiness' is a developed skill that allows you to move between the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system freely so that not every stressful event is exhausting and your body has the opportunity to heal and recover.  

What you can expect in a personalized session:

  • Private Yoga instruction where a custom sequence is catered to your individual needs; Yoga postures and breathing exercises help to condition the body: lengthening and strengthening muscles, detoxifying tissues, building greater lung capacity, and calming the nervous system.
  • Herbal oil application instruction for home practice: encourages healthy circulation, nourishes the skin, and helps create balance and well-being
  • Ayurveda-inspired lifestyle suggestions to develop a life-sustaining daily routine that uniquely fits you

Contact me with any questions or to schedule an appointment!